First shots with GFX100

October 05, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday my first adapter for my medium format camera came in the mail. I attached it, and last night and this morning I shot some photos with my Helios 58mm f2 lens. Here are a few samples and a shot of what the camera looks like.

DSC_2477-adjusted-3000Fuji GFX100 with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 lensThis is my new (to me) Fuji GFX100 - with adapted Helios 58mm lens attached.

As you can see in this photo above, the lens is very small. It's metal and glass, so it is light, but not super light. It's all manual, and has a preset ring for the aperture, which is set by the ring near the front edge of the lens (which is unusual for camera lenses - even old ones like this). This lens is called a Helios 44-2 and it is 58mm and can open up to f2 (a pretty wide aperture, though the aperture of some lenses in this range can open up to f1.4 or even wider).

Below are a couple of shots, with crops, that show how sharp this cheap little lens is. They also show how little vignetting there is, even though this lens is for 35mm cameras, and I have mated it with a 44mm sensor (which is 33mm high).

Helios 44-2 58mm f2 on Fuji GFX100Street scene shot at f5.6This scene shows how little vignetting there is with this lens, and gives an idea how wide the view is, when this little 58mm lens is put on a medium format camera with a sensor about twice the size of the sensor in a full-frame (35mm) camera. Crop of photo above - street scene - GFX100 with Helios 58mm f2 lensCrop of photo aboveIn this crop you can see how much detail the photo contains, even though it was shot with a lens that's more than half a century old, and only cost about $50.

Below is another shot with a crop following.

Helios 58mm f2 lens on Fuji GFX100Another street scene shot with the Helios 44-2 58mm f2 lens on the GFX100This shot shows the lack of vignetting too.

Crop of second street scene from Helios 58mm lens on GFX100 cameraCrop of photo aboveAnother street scene cropped to show the detail visible in a shot from the old Helios 58mm lens.

What do you think?


EDIT: I decided to shoot some photos at f11 with the Helios 58mm lens. Here's two of them (with crops):

Bike shot with Helios 58mm f2 lens at f11 on Fuji GFX100Bicycle shot with 100 MP Fuji GFX100 and Helios 58mm f2 at f11I shot this bicycle at f11 using the Helios 44-2 58mm f2 lens on the Fuji GFX100. I'm pretty satisfied with the detail and lack of vignetting, when using this little lens. Crop from bicycle shot with Helios 58mm f2 lensCrop from image aboveAs you can probably see, the detail in the bottom right corner is quite good, so setting the Helios 58mm lens to f11 works well. Flowers with Helios 58mm f2 lens set to f11 on Fuji GFX100Flowers with Helios 58mm f2 lens set to f11 on Fuji GFX100I figured these flowers in the sun would be a good subject to show off the detail this Helios 58mm lens can produce at f11 on the Fuji GFX100. Crop of flower shot made with Helios 58mm f2 lens set to f11 on Fuji GFX100Crop of flower shot made with Helios 58mm f2 lens set to f11 on Fuji GFX100In this crop from near the bottom right corner of the image above, you can see the fine detail the lens and camera can be used to capture.

EDIT: I couldn't resist adding some more photos. Here they are:

Duck Pond - shot with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 on Fuji GFX100Duck Pond - shot with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 on Fuji GFX100The ducks were far, but I thought the whole scene looked nice, so I shot it with this normal lens on my GFX100, the Helios 44-2 58mm f2. Crop of Duck Pond photo, shot with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 set to f8 (or f11 . . . I can't remember which)Crop of Duck Pond shot made with Helios 58mm f2 on Fuji GFX100This crop shows how sharp the distant subjects are on the GFX100, when shooting with the m42 mount Helios 44-2 58mm f2 at f8 (or maybe it was f11). Cactus flower buds shot with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 at f8 (or maybe f11) on Fuji GFX100Cactus flower buds shot with Helios 44-2 58mm f2 at f8 (or maybe f11) on Fuji GFX100I like how sharp these cactus flower buds and cactus thorns are, and this photo shows how little vignetting there is with the Helios 44-2 58mm f2 lens set to f8 (or was it f11?). Crop of cactus flower buds photo shows fine detail captured by Helios 44-2 58mm f2 on Fuji GFX100 camera.Crop of cactus flower buds photoThis crop makes it easy to see the fine detail captured using the Helios 58mm lens on the 100 MP camera (Fuji GFX100).

If you want to see the originals in a gallery with these crops, just follow this link:

Soon I'll add some more photos, shot with the Pentax 6x7 135mm f4 macro.



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I am a versatile photographer who shoots portraits, landscapes, nature, art, and more. Scott Barton KennellyScottHere I was on Lighthouse Reef in the out islands of Belize. I always liked this photo of myself, even though it's blurry. It's a crop from a photo someone in my family shot.
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